• WHITE This is not really a color, but is unification of all of the colors of the rainbow.  It opens you up to the energy that is around you.
  • YELLOW symbolizes the wisdom/knowledge, clarity, increases awareness and calms the nerves. The energy from this color is related to the ability to perceive and understand.
  • ORANGE This color puts in an optimistic mood and promotes self-confidence.  It impresses the wearer to be enthusiastic, happy, sociable, energetic, and adventurous. This color is thought to be protective, bring luck and expand ones awareness of self-worth. 
  • PINK This color is associated with unconditional love, romance, purity, femininity, and healing.  It impresses the wearer to be calm, sensitive, friendly, lovable.
  • RED This color is associated with self-confidence, vitality, sexual energy, passion, courage.
  • BLUE This color is associated with knowledge, healing, peace, truth, and harmony.  It is said to be a cooling color that symbolizes faith, devotion, and deep insight.
  • GREEN This color is associated with prosperity, hope, harmony, healing and ripening. It impresses the wearer to be understanding, nature loving, generous, humble, and self-controlled.
  • VIOLET/INDIGO This color allows for deep perception and intuition. It is associated with power, inspiration, and royalty. It enhances inner peace while addressing stress. 
  • GRAY/SILVER This color is associated with neutralizing, wisdom, and communication.  It can be used to amplify all other colors.
  • BROWN This color is associated with comfort, security, practicality.  It impresses the wearer to be practical, down to earth, calm, successful.
  • BLACK This is not really a color.  It swallows up all other colors. It shields the wearer from outside energy. 

Of course, this is just one interpretation of the different color choices. Feel free to choose any colors you think will make you feel pretty!